Larga Vista Library and Kids' Cafe
In 2002, Laredo Gateway Rotary Club began discussing plans for a Centennial Project to commemorate Rotary’s 100th Anniversary, fast approaching in 2005. Laredo Gateway, headed by President Bill Green, approached the Webb County Commissioner’s Court with a proposal to add a wing onto the Largo Vista Community Center to serve as a Library for the Larga Vista area. The Commissioner’s Court unanimously approved the project and provided the funding to build the wing. The Center broke ground in 2002 under the Presidency of Lisa Rogerio and the 1500-square-foot building was completed in late 2003.
The Library expansion project also included a computer lab tech center, allowing area and Colonia residents access to educational and technology resources. The Larga Vista Community Center Library was formally opened on August 19, 2006, commemorating Rotary’s 100th Anniversary.
In 2008, Laredo Gateway Rotary began funding a Kids Café program at the Community Center, providing meals and snacks to children after school. During the school year, the program is administered daily and serves an average of 850-1000 participants monthly.
The Library is used for a vast array of activities and programs for both adults and youth and is open Monday through Friday. The Library has held a series of Diabetes Management classes, CPR classes, English as a Second Language classes, INEA, Arts & Crafts, Zumba, Spring Break Camp (1 week), Summer Camp (6 weeks), Mother’s Day events, and the annual Back to School Jamaica.
The center’s partnership with Laredo Gateway Rotary continues today through various projects, including its annual Back Pack Donation, which provides back packs filled with school supplies to children of the Larga Vista area.